Birds & Muses

Editorial guidanceLiterary mentorshipWriting retreats

Literary mentorship, editorial guidance, and writing intensive retreats to women-identified writers.


Birds & Muses

Editorial guidance, Literary mentorship, Writing retreats

Literary mentorship, editorial guidance, and writing intensive retreats to women-identified writers.


Kate Moses Twitter Icon


Essex County, New York 12993 United States


The mission of Birds & Muses is to provide women-identified writers with sustained and meaningful literary mentorship in the form of editorial expertise, education in technical craft, professional guidance, access to a community of their peers, and practical and moral support as they realize their artistic visions. Birds & Muses is dedicated to our belief in the power and necessity of women’s stories, and the essential need to cultivate a robust, inclusive literary heritage for and by women writers.


Created by an internationally acclaimed novelist, Birds & Muses offers individual and small-group literary mentorship, editorial guidance, and writing intensive retreats to women-identified writers of literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and hybrid genre book projects.