Picture Book


An independent bookstore in Dobbs Ferry, NY with a curated collection of books.


Picture Book

Books, Bookstore

An independent bookstore in Dobbs Ferry, NY with a curated collection of books.


Sara Davidson Johns LinkedIn Icon


Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522 United States


Picture Book is an independent bookstore based in Dobbs Ferry, New York, a Rivertown in the Lower Hudson Valley. They offer both online and in-person shopping at a semi-permanent pop-up inside HudCo at 145 Palisade Street, Suite 200, Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522.Find the best books for kids with ease from their curated selection, while also discovering your own grown up “picture book”: a gorgeous new cookbook with ideas for your next dinner party, that hot new novel you keep hearing about, even a stunning monograph on the artist that just had a show at the Guggenheim. Enjoy browsing here without having to deal with all the other online clutter.

All sales, whether in-person or through online partners Bookshop.org & Libro.fm, will be used to help fund pop-ups, and eventually a Picture Book brick & mortar bookstore in the Rivertowns. All purchases are a contribution to our community! Picture Book was created by Sara Davidson Johns who lives with her husband and two daughters in Dobbs Ferry, New York. After a career in the Contemporary Art world, Sara is excited by curating books, and wants to share her delight with her neighbors in the Rivertowns.