Black co-ownedEssential OilsSleeping
All-natural solutions and essential oils to support a healthy sleep cycle.
Black co-owned, Essential Oils, Sleeping
All-natural solutions and essential oils to support a healthy sleep cycle.
Philadelphia, 19139 United StatesMission
Our mission is to bring to you everyday products to enhance your well-being; changing the way you re.lax, and live your most vibrant RE.VITYL life!
Re.Vityl is the outcome of a long-lasting friendship, and shared passion for wellness, mind-body connection, female empowerment, and the guest for genuine relaxation.
From a friendly wedding reception chat in Bali in 2010 to co-founders of a wellness startup company, our story is an example of the magic that happens when females empower each other. We both share a love of natural, quality products and keeping sustainable efforts at the forefront of our brand. We truly believe in the re.laxing and re.storative powers of native plants and stones and their ability to bring about true wellness, harness positive energy, and enhance your quality of life.