Slick Chicks


Patented underwear designed with side fasteners so everyone from individuals with disabilities to temporary physical constraints can seamlessly transition in and out of their clothing.


Slick Chicks

Accessible, Asian-owned, Underwear

Patented underwear designed with side fasteners so everyone from individuals with disabilities to temporary physical constraints can seamlessly transition in and out of their clothing.


Helya Mohammadian

Hear her story on Seneca's Made By Women podcast Made By Women podcast logo


Brooklyn, New York 11249 United States


Our mission is to empower people to tackle any of life’s daily challenges because we all deserve a sense of self, dignity and independence.


The journey started five years ago, when my sister gave birth to my nephew. Like many women, she had complications during labor and had to undergo an emergency C-section. The post-surgery recovery left her feeling debilitated for several weeks.

Just getting out of bed was a major struggle. Her husband had to help her use the restroom, shower and change. Something as personal as putting on her underwear, she couldn’t do alone.

Not wanting to see my sister have such difficulty, I decided it was time to find a solution. The product I would later develop ended up serving a bigger purpose impacting the lives of so many people around the world. The journey has changed my perspective on something most of us take for granted every day: getting dressed.